Praise & Prayer

Trevor & Hannah - September 2018

PRAISE: For many new students interested in getting connected to Power to Change at Western, Fanshawe and Conestoga College; for the Lord's faithfulness, provision, unfathomable love and amazing grace to us. PRAY: For us as we take a lead with our ministry at Conestoga College, our team will now be serving this campus; for a season of change that our student ministry is in. It is needed to help in reach this generation of students with the gospel, but it comes with loss, pain and challenges.

Russ & Meredith - September 2018

PRAISE: We launched our 75th language in our GodTools app this month; 50k students invited us to be a part of their journey through our MissionHub app; A good start to school for Wyatt & Gwenyth. PRAY: Progress in skin and gut issues with Heath and Gwenyth (things got worse in August); that our visa application for Singapore would be approved; for effective training of leaders as Russ is in Budapest, Hungary September 17-19.

Robert & Susan - September 2018

PRAISE: That Sam has returned to Family and is attending church and found employment; for good attendance for the Alpha program at Joycville. PRAY: Allan is struggling with depression and hopelessness as he faces deportation; Love & Respect will start Sept. 10 and continue each Mon evening until Christmas; Steve has received a different treatment for his cancer reducing the rate of decline, pray for positive response to the gospel.

Gord & Heather - September 2018

PRAISE: Heather’s ministry of meeting and blessing people in our neighbourhood continues – every day. The VMC Kenya team is back home. Ishmael (from Kenya) told me yesterday that “the team was so lovely, was a strong team, we praise God for our time together at the prayer mountain … very encouraging! Tomorrow night (August 29) I will be doing a video conference call with brothers who are leading networks of churches in: India, Australia, Kenya and France - I will let you know how it went!

Charlotte Martin - September 2018

PRAISE: Create mission trip wrapped up Aug 24 - We had a good time hanging out as a team and debriefing our summer in Toronto. The last small group workbook I will be working on is almost ready to go to design. PRAY: Sept 5 I start my new role on the Global missions team. Pray that I would transition well to this new role into this new season of ministry. I continue to chat with 3 women through our online mentor centre. These women are struggling with anxiety and loneliness. Pray for wisdom to know how to meet their needs and point them to Jesus, and potentially get them connected to P2C campus ministries.