Praise & Prayer

Phil & Andrea - March 2019

PRAISE:  For safe travel to Canada and South America; for the opportunity to see our boys; that the Bolivia strategic review retreat went well; for the opportunity to do review with the Paraguay team; for great times together with Dan & Christie and that the car troubles while travelling were not worse; that SIM Ghana has a new Business Manager starting in July!  PRAY:  For Andrea as she supports one of our North East Indian families with the birth of their child; safe travel for Phil going to North East India to visit the churches and families of our colleagues we have in Ghana from there; that these churches will have a better understanding of the ministry their people are involved in here in Ghana; for wisdom for Phil as he spends several days with Directors from several Asian countries as they define their strategic ministry focus; that Phil would have clear direction as he shares with church leaders and donors in Singapore on Mar 22; that God would clearly guide the person interested in the Personnel Coordinator's position; for good interactions during our first module of our Integrated Mission Leadership course in the UK. (Andrea's ability to attend is dependent on the arrival of our colleagues baby - due the same week as we are to be at the course.)   

Trevor & Hannah - February 2019

PRAISE:  For an amazing & unifying event called Western Worships, where 1000 people gathered from various Christian groups and churches to hear the gospel, watch creative drama and worship our great God!  For Angel & Gloria at Western who both have questions about Jesus and want to learn more. Please pray for their salvation! PRAY:  For the follow-up of any non-Christians who attended Western Worships and that they would continuing journey with their Christian friends towards Christ; for wisdom and discernment for us and our current student leaders in challenging student leaders for next year on each of our campuses; for Western as we'd like our student leadership team to be more committed next year.

Russ & Meredith - February 2019

PRAISE:  We are transitioning relatively smoothly to life in Singapore; for great engagement in a nearby country with persecuted missionaries; for good connection with local colleagues, Simon & Lillian.  PRAY:  For continued challenges with Heath and Gwenyth's food sensitivities and skin issues; to find the right local church to be a part of; for effectiveness in homeschooling our kids during the next season.

Robert & Susan - February 2019

PRAISE:  K was released Nov. 2017.  He called today to thank us for the positive contributions into his life while in prison. His family is doing well and his business is running successfully.  B is grateful for his salvation and speaking boldly for the Lord Jesus and inviting others to the chapel services and programs. Pray that he would rely daily on the Lord for strength to overcome temptations.  PRAY:  P has faced several significant set backs. Pray that he keeps his focus on the Lord and “runs with endurance the race that is set before him”.  S lost his mother and is trying to connect with his sister following 6 yrs of estrangement. B,R,J have recently been released and have significant hurdles to overcome in order to successfully reconnect with their loved ones.  Z, young and angry and sad. We had our first contact a week ago. Pray that he would find his answers in the gospel.

Gord & Heather - February 2019

PRAISE/PRAY:  We had an excellent day last week with 5 leaders of immigrant church networks. These men are serving God in a dedicated and admirable way! Each of them are facing enormous challenges. Please pray for them. They are from China, Congo, Burma, Iran and Eritrea/Ethiopia. They need so much wisdom every day to know how to handle the challenges that are coming their way.