Raul & Jessenia Espinoza - Guayaquil, Ecuador

Espinozas in Ecuador

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” 
1 Chronicles 16:34

Hello dear praying friends!

It’s been a while, so it’s time for an update! This new year has been a bit of a whirlwind; one with lots of changes and good things.

Firstly, the school year ended in February, and with it came the end of an era at the school as the only principal the school has ever had, retired. Her going away party, though sad, was also a fullfilling time of remembering how God has been faithful throughout the school’s existence.

The next months were very busy for Raul and the school board as they took on the role of organizing the school in the principal’s absence until a replacement could be found. Thank you for your prayers in this matter- at the beginning of May, the school board decided to offer the position to Maritza, a woman who has known the school since it’s beginning and has been working at our school this past year in a leadership role. She accepted and we are encouraged by her servant’s heart and eager desire to help in serving the children of Bastion. Our hearts are full, having seen God’s hand in bringing Maritza to leadership at the school and we are looking forward to what God has in store.

In March, our church held a VBS and many of our youth volunteered to help out. We were so encouraged to see them having fun serving together. In a neighbourhood where they could have been doing many unhealthy things during their school vacations, it filled our hearts to see them choosing to spend time with their church family. In doing so, they strengthened their friendships with each other and we hope that as we go into the new youth season here in June, these friendships will continue to grow and help ground these young people in the path they are choosing to stay on.

At the beginning of April, we were privileged to host the Wallenstein team who came to help out at El Faro Camp.  Due to Covid, visitors from Canada have been sparse for the last 3 years, and so it was so fun to once again be the bridge between Canada and Ecuador as we introduced our Canadian friends to our Ecuadorian ones. It was also good to be back at camp with the children and be reminded of how many of them come from difficult backgrounds and how the love they receive at camp is a blessing for them.

As soon as camp ended, we whisked our family onto an airplane with the Wallenstein team and headed to Canada for Jessenia’s brother’s wedding. Though colds made us have to cancel a few plans, we had a great time making quality memories with Jessenia’s family, and the highlights were definitely the wedding and seeing our children connect with their Canadian cousins. Also, our boys had their birthdays! We can’t believe we now have a 3 year old and a 1 year old in our family.

Now we are settling back into work here in Ecuador with hearts grateful for our support system up in Canada and ready to plug into life here again.

Prayer requests for what comes next:

  • Safety- the gang situation in Guayaquil has grown concerning in the past year. We are saddened by how it has touched Bastion. Though we do not live in fear, we do find we need to take extra precautions when we do things, “just in case”.

  • The new youth-group season is starting. Please pray that God would work in these young people’s hearts and they would make following Him their life’s purpose.

  • That the school year would continue strong and that the teachers would keep Christ foremost as they teach.

Thank you for your prayers for the work here in Ecuador!

The Espinozas (Raul, Jessenia, Tiago, and Danilo)