Missionary Letters

Youth for Christ Update

Hello Friends and Family!

God has been teaching me a lot about trust in my life and ministry. We are well acquainted with the passage in Proverbs 3 that says to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” To say this and to live it out are two very different things. As God challenges me to actively surrender and trust Him with my whole heart, I see Him doing the same with students.

I have been praying for Kyle (name changed) for months. He’s faithfully come to drop-in for two years but keeps everyone at arm's length. He can be loud, obnoxious and shuts conversations down with ease. But God is changing Kyle’s heart. It is hard putting these moments into words because the magnitude of what God is doing here is indescribable. Kyle has opened up about his fears, insecurities, family and the daily struggles he has. As he trusts me and as I trust God to give me wisdom, the Lord is stirring a hope in Kyle that he has never experienced before. Join me in praying for students like Kyle, that they would continue to be drawn to the hope and life of Jesus as He restores them right now.

This was my third year coaching the Listowel high school senior girls volleyball team with my supervisor, Kevin. To say the least, we were really good at losing! But the biggest win of the season came as we built relationships and had conversations about religion, identity, life decisions, God, home life and what they do on weekends. Surrendering my expectations and stepping into what God wanted for this team was humbling. I am amazed by the way God orchestrated so many moments for us to speak truth into these students’ lives, even sharing the gospel with a few of them! God is good.

As I speak at local churches and meet people in the community and back home, I take a step back and stand in awe of what God is doing here in Southwestern Ontario. God is so good and so trustworthy. To those of you who support me in prayer and financially, thank you. I am blown away by your generosity and I am humbled to be surrounded by an incredible community of people.

This ministry is not possible without you! Will you become a monthly partner and join my support team? You can do this my filling out the insert provided.

All For His Glory,

Jenn Brubacher

Update from Ecuador!

Dear Wallenstein family,

We have been back in Ecuador a month now and feel like it has been ages since we were in Canada. We hardly remember what cold feels like because of how hot it is here.

We want to thank you for your prayers for us during this camp season. Your generosity in funding one of the weeks of camp has been a huge blessing. We have had two weeks of camp and they went very well. Raul was director for one week and Jessenia was a counselor one week and in charge of crafts the next.

Camp theme is God’s faithfulness and an Argentinian missionary came and shared for the first youth camp. We also had a group of Bible institute students (from where Raul had studied) help out as counselors. Youth were challenged through the story of Joshua to “choose whom they would serve” and whether they would be “conquerors” in life or not.

One of the counselors, Javier, goes to our church and has just been getting plugged in this year. He threw himself into the role of counselor 100% and when he shared about his experience on Sunday at church, we found out that having to lead a group of youth made him loose his fear of being up front. So much so that he shared at church for 15 minutes instead of the 5 that he had been given! He also said he was really impressed by the other counselors from the Bible institute who got up early to read their Bible. Joyce, a girl from our senior youth group, must have noticed this as well because we soon saw her doing the same thing. So, camp is not only challenging to the youth who go, but also to the councilors and our church ends up blessed by it.

We were rather rudely woken up one early morning by the earth shaking twice. There were 3 tremors in Ecuador that morning and we felt two of them. Though some of the campers were really frightened, nobody was hurt. The ocean was very rough and during the youth week we were only able to go out into the water one day. In spite of these things, we are thankful for God’s faithfulness at camp and ask for your prayers for the next two weeks of camp which will be for the children and youth who we work with in Bastion. Raul will be directing one week, and then the last week we will be hosting a team joining us from Halifax.

Thank you again for partnering with us in the work here in Ecuador,

Raul and Jessenia Espinoza


Can life get more difficult?

In November, we shared that the first half of the school year was difficult for us on multiple fronts. We were looking forward to some relief in the new year as we felt like we had our feet a little more settled. But that wasn't the case. 

In the beginning of February a major issue with the student leaders on one of our campuses was brought to light. There had been bitterness, mistrust and abuse of power throughout the year that had been hidden in fear and shame for 8 months.  Trevor spent 15+ hours that week, listening to painful stories from students that he cares deeply for.  He had to hear stories of how certain people he trusted had been lying straight to his face. These stories and stress of the situation became too much for him. This was the 'needle that broke the camel's back' after all the stressors that we've faced in the last couple of months.  It was affecting his sleep and his ability to think clearly. For the last 3 weeks, Trevor has been in hospital getting mental health help. We're working toward him being released in the next week or two as he's been more stable for the last 8 days.

It has been a hard time for us as a family. Often it feels like a horrible nightmare that we just want to wake up from. We have been blessed to have our families, friends and church come around us during this time. We could not be walking through these days without their prayers and practical helps. 

We have had to lean hard into God through this time. A verse that Trevor has been holding onto is:
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." (John 14:27). 

Please continue to pray for us as we walk through this difficult time in life. There are some specific prayer requests at the end of this email. 


  1. Trevor is getting better with medication and is able to sleep again. 

  2. We have an amazing support system that God has given to walk with us through this time. 

  3. Amelia has been a champ during this time and has been willing to roll with all the changes.


  1. Trevor would respond well as we introduce new life stressors back into his life. 

  2. Trevor would have a good relationship with his counsellor. 

  3. Hannah would be able to juggle work and taking care of Trevor and Amelia. 

  4. Everyone involved in helping Trevor, Hannah and Amelia would be healthy physically and emotionally. 

Letter of Thanks

Dear Friends at Wallenstein;  Thank you very much for your gift of $788.00 that we received in January.  Your generous partnership with VMC is very appreciated.  Without your financial sacrifice we would not be able to catalyze greater obedience to the Great Commission.

This Spring, Vision Ministries Canada is planning a series of six regional conferences, from Vancouver to Halifax; the first of which will be held in Edmonton, March 30th.  Our featured speaker, Matt Pamplin, will underscore the urgency for disciple-making and explore various ways leaders can restore this priority for their church and community.

Over the course of these events, we expect to connect with 500-600 elders, pastors, church planters and other ministry influencers across the country.  Please pray with us that these gatherings will inspire mission through story-telling, provide fresh paradigms for ministry, connect leaders with the ministry peers and deepen the partnership VMC enjoys with churches. 

Thank you again for supporting us as we equip leaders to make disciples of all people, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded (Matt 28:19).

With warm gratitude and appreciation,

Mike Stone

Executive Director

Vision Ministries Canada


February 2019

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at WBC,

Every few months we write you, partly to share some news, but mainly to thank you for your Christian love, your prayers and your continued practical support. I’ve asked that this letter be read Sunday morning, as I think a number of people do not get to see it when it is put on the website, and we want everyone of you to know how much we appreciate what you are doing for us and what WBC has meant to us and to the work in Belgium over the many years. We keep getting notes of thanks and appreciation from folk in Belgium and we want to let you know this. WBC has had an important part in the conversion of so many people in Belgium and the many churches (24) that were started there. Thank you in Jesus’ name.

I am speaking in Exeter this morning and will be in the University Hospital in London on Tuesday for the third operation on my hip. Please pray that the surgeon will have the wisdom to know how to get things right this time. Marina is quite weak and needs your prayers. She will become 82 on the day of my surgery. We both will be celebrating, ha, but in different locations and for different reasons. We continue to praise the Lord for His love, faithfulness and goodness.

I want to keep this brief and so thank you again for your share in our lives and ministry and the work in Belgium. God bless and reward you all richly, both now and in eternity.

Loving greetings,

Richard and Marina.